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[뉴이스트_아론] 광주사인회가고있어요오늘날씨좋아요:) 오늘페북과트위터에 실시간사진올려주신대요 good!!:D 

Trans by thenuest : We're on the way to Gwangju fansign event. Today's weather is nice:)
Will upload real-time photo through twitter and facebook today. good!!:D

이번사진은 뉴이스트리더쩨알! 안전벨트의표본을보여주는 리더쩨알. 초점이조금나가긴했지만.. 아까워서... 이기자의파파라치..기대해주세요 오늘 원없이보여드립니다!!

Trans by thenuest : This time is Leader JR's photo! Leader JR who show the sample of seat belts.Although it's a bit unfocussed..It's a pity...Please look forward for Reporter-Lee's Paparazzi.. I'll show it without hesitation today!!

셀카미션을수행하기위해 자리까지바꾸며 셀카 투혼을펼쳐준 뉴이스트 렌입니다! 마음에드시나요? 남은멤버 백호와 민현군에게 보고싶은표정이있으시다면 멘션날려주세요!

Trans by thenuest : To accomplish selca mission, he even exchanging seat; NU'EST Ren who unfold his selca spirit! Do you like it? Leave a mention if there's a facial expression of Baekho and Minhyun that you want to see!

많은분들이원하셨던그것.! 백호의 개죽이포즈 클로즈업갑니다! 개죽이보다 더귀여운거같은 백호! 제눈에만그런가요?

Trans  by thenuest : A lot of people requested.! Baekho's puppy face pose close-up! Baekho who seems cuter than puppy! Or is it just me?

자 뉴이스트 파파라치마지막편은 뉴이스트기럭지를 담당하는 단화도 완벽소화하는 기럭지미남 민현! 남다른 사복센스를 겸비한 민현군! 오늘도 간지사복센스를발휘한 민현군전신샷 대공개!!^^

trans by thenuest : Here's NU'EST Paparazzi last photo, The one who's in charge of NU'EST height, also the one who perfectly looks well wearing flat shoes, tall guy Minhyun ! Minhyun who combined it differently with plain clothes! Revelation of full body shot of Minhyun who displays cool plain clothes-sense!!^^

뉴이스트는지금전라도광주사인회진행중입니다^^ 이번주를마지막으로 앨범사인회는 다음앨범까지 잠시만안녕.. 내일잠실과 이번앨범마지막 수원사인회까지많은관심과사랑부탁드립니다 특히수원은 조금은특별한이벤트가^^

trans by thenuest : NU'EST is now in midst of Jeolla-do Gwangju fansign event^^
This week will be the last fansign events for 1st Mini Album, goodbye for a while until the next album..
Please give a lot of interest and love for tomorrow's Jamsil and the last fansign event for this album at Suwon. Especially in Suwon there'll be a special event^^

광주팬분들 반가웠습니다^^ 오늘멤버들의 스타일!궁금하시죠^^ 광주사인회에서 이상 뉴이스트였습니다!

Trans by thenuest :  Nice to met Gwangju fans^^ Members' style today! You all curious right^^ This has been NU'EST from Gwangju Fansign Event!


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