[ME2DAY] 120707 Update

cr : Baekho's ME2DAY

BaekHo : 쨔잔! 오늘 드디어 진짜오랫만에 우리 러브들이랑영화보러가요!부산러브들!준비하고있나여^^이제 다와가니까 쫌만 기다려요!밤샘촬영으로 잠한숨못자고 가고있지만 기분최고!태양을 피하고 싶어서 선글라스를 준비했는데 날씨가흐리넹ㅜㅜ 곧만나용 뿅★

trans by thenuest : Tadaa! Today, finally we're going to watch a movie with L.O.V.Es after a while!Busan L.O.V.Es!Are you ready^^Now, we're almost arrived, so please wait for a little bit! Although I can't sleep because of shooting all night long, I feel good!I prepared sunglasses for avoiding the sun, but the weather is cloudyㅜㅜ See you soon bbyong★

1 comment:

  1. J'aurais envie de dire, vivement qu'il prenne un peu de repos. Je n'ose même pas imaginer à quel point il doit être fatigué.
