[ME2DAY] 121017 - Baekho's update

지금 한국은 밤이죠? 미국은새벽이에요……… 갑자기 러브들생각나서 매니져형폰으로 사진하나투척다지켜보고있으니 바람피지말기 뿅☆인터넷사정이안좋아서지금몇번째하는건지………되라쫌!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Trans by thenuest : It's night in Korea right? It's dawn in America……… L.O.V.Es suddenly come across my mind, so I'm uploading a photo using manager hyung phone. I'm watching you so don't cheat behind us bbyong☆net connection isn't good, i've tried for some times……please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Tag : NU'EST is watching you, so don't cheat behind us~~~~See you on sunday L.O.V.Es!!! You'll regret if you're not coming to birthday party☆]

[PICTURE] 121017 - MTVKPOP20 with Baekho and Minhyun