[PICTURE] 120831 - Baekho at Gwanju fansign

Cr : 19950721.net

[PICTURE] 120831 - Ren at Gwangju's Fansign

Cr : SweetDream

[PREVIEWS] 120831 - NU'EST at Gwangju's fansign

Cr : mh_nuunaa

[TWITTER] 120831 - 6 tweets

[뉴이스트_아론] 광주사인회가고있어요오늘날씨좋아요:) 오늘페북과트위터에 실시간사진올려주신대요 good!!:D 

Trans by thenuest : We're on the way to Gwangju fansign event. Today's weather is nice:)
Will upload real-time photo through twitter and facebook today. good!!:D