Cr : Newsen
[PICTURES] 1302228 - NU'EST on Mnet M!CountDown
[TWITTER] 130228 - @ChoiGoRen update
Trans by NU'EST International : It's ok even If I drown, You, come to me like water. Lee Jeong Ha, (to lower place)
[PICTURES] 130227 - NU'EST on Show Champion
[FANCAFE] 130224 - Love letter from Aron
안녕하세요 여러분!
너무오랫만이에요 아롱이에용^^
멤버들이랑찍은사진이랑 제셀카선물♥
Trans by thenuest : Hello Everyone!
It's Aron after a while^^
Have you watched our comeback stages? I'm the best, right?ㅎㅎ
At Inkigayo waiting roow
The photo taken with the members and my selca as a present♥
I love you:D
[FANCAFE] 130223 - Love Letter from Minhyun, Ren and Baekho
Trans by thenuest : [From. Minhyun] LOVEs~~~~~~~~~@m' ||
LOVEs~~~ Before I go to wash up and sleep, I came to write Love Letter^^
LOVEs~~Thank you so muchㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
You always come for the broadcasting and support usㅠㅠㅠㅠ
The weather is so cold recently, I wouldn't know if you'll catch a cold...
Thanks to LOVEs' existence, NU'EST can shine brighter on the stage.
NU'EST and LOVEs have a long way to go ahead!!!!!
Thank you so much to LOVEs who look after NU'EST by our side, and I love you~~
Then, in order to meet LOVEs with even more fine looks tomorrow, i'll go to sleep.^^
LOVEs~~ NU'night!!!!!!
Libellés :
Love Letter,
[TWITTER] 130222 - @NUESTNEWS update
(Aron) 불금! 은 역시 연습실이지! ㅋㅋ 내일방송을 위해 이제 쉴고에용~ What do you guys usually do on Fridays?
Trans by thenuest : (Aron) On the flaming friday ! Indeed, (we spend it) on practice room! ㅋㅋ I'm going to take a rest now for tomorrow broadcasting~ What do you guys usually do on Fridays?
[PICTURES] 130222 - Aron on his way to Music Bank
[PICTURES] 130222 - JR on his way to Music Bank
[PICTURES] 130222 - Minhyun on his way to Music Bank
[PICTURES] 130222 - Ren on his way to Music Bank
[PICTURES] 130222 - Baekho on his way for Music Bank
[PREVIEWS] 130222 - NU'EST on their way to Music Bank
[ME2DAY] 130221 - Baekho's update
어느새 뒤에 있던 쩨알!!! 셀카는 나만의 것이라고!! ㅋㅋ 이제쫌있음 엠카시작!! 응원듣고 오늘도 힐링힐링해야징^^ 뿅♥
Trans by thenuest : I didn't know JR was behind me!!! The selca is mine only!! ㅋㅋ Now, MCountdown is starting in a little bit!! I should healing healing after hearing the sound of cheering today^^ Bbyong ♥
[TWITTER] 130221 - @ChoiGoRen tweet
오늘와주신러브분들감사합니다. 너무춥죠?조심히들어가세요~ 오늘12위네요 내일은 뮤뱅사녹이에요^^ 옷따듯하게입고많이오세요^^! 다들 달릴준비되셨죠?
Trans by thenuest : Thank you to LOVEs who came today. It's very cold right? Go back safely~ We ranked 12th today and tomorrow, we have MuBank recording^^ Dress up warmly and come^^!
Everyone, are you ready to run?
[FANCAFE] 130221 - JR's love letter
오늘은 엠카운트다운방송이있었다
방송이끝난후 모니터중이었는데
저뱀이언제살아움직일지모르니 조심히 사진을찍었다.
그래서 나는 웃으며 사진을 찍을수 있었다.
Trans by thenuest : Today was M!Countdown broadcasting. After the broadcasting; when I'm in midst of monitoring a snake sat on my head. I don't know when would that snake move so I carefully took the photo. So I smiled and took the photo. 2013 February 21st
Today's diary ended.
[FANCAFE] 130221 - New layout !
[PICTURES] 130221 - NU'EST on M!Countdown
[TWITTER/FB] 130220 - @NUESTNEWS updates
['여보세요(HELLO)' M/V Behind Cut - REN]렌이 핸드폰으로 본 사진은 과연 무엇일까요? 정답 공개하면.... '깜짝 놀라겠지~♪'
Facebook : Guess which photo Ren is looking at! Get ready for the surprise :D
Trans by thenuest : What kind of photo has Ren been looking at on the handphone? If the answer get revealed... 'You'll be surprised~♪'
[TWITTER] 130219 - Compilation of @NUESTNEWS tweets
1. 어흥! 인터뷰있어가는길인데 배고파요 배도고프고 따뜻한국물도 먹고프다고했더니 센슈백만점 스탭형이 삼김과 바닐라라떼를 쥐어줬어요. . . . . . . . 형. . . . . 싸우자는거지? ㅋㅋ
Oheung! On the way to do interview, I'm hungry. I keep saying I'm hungry and I want to eat warm soup, sensible staff hyung pushed triangle kimbab and vanilla latte. . . . . . . .
Hyung. . . . . That was a sign to fight right? ㅋㅋ
Oheung! On the way to do interview, I'm hungry. I keep saying I'm hungry and I want to eat warm soup, sensible staff hyung pushed triangle kimbab and vanilla latte. . . . . . . .
Hyung. . . . . That was a sign to fight right? ㅋㅋ
[TWITTER] 130219 - Discussion between @ChoiGoRen and @nusoul91
@nusoul91 형!!방금 사무실들리셨다면서요... 싸인된거 받으셔야죠ㅜㅜ완죤 길게적었는뎁..흐흐흣
Ren to nusoul91 Hyung!! I heard you were at the office... You have to get the signed (CD) ㅜㅜI wrote a very long message..흐흐흣
진짜~? 또줘ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ싸인씨디 좋다!!!!!
nusoul91 to Ren : Really~? Give me another oneㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋ I like signed CD!!!!!
@nusoul91 네 또드릴게요형ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ형빨리보컬레슨받고싶어요ㅜㅜ
Ren to Nusoul : Yes, I'll give hyung another one ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎI want to receive vocal lesson from hyung quicklyㅜㅜ
@ChoiGoRen 언제든 와!!!!!!!!!!형이 맛잇능거 사놀겡 쿄쿄!!
Nusoul to Ren : Come anytime!!!!!!!!! Hyung will treat you delicacies kyo kyo!!
@nusoul91 금요일에공연하신다고들었어요 ㅜㅜ 형화이팅!!^^
Ren to Nusoul I heard you will have a performance on friday ㅜㅜ Hyung hwaiting!!^^
@ChoiGoRen 팟팅!!조만간 보자^^* 밥들 든든히 잘 먹구 다니구~
Nusoul to Ren Fighting!! Let's see each other soon^^* You should take meals regularly~
All translations by thenuest
[PICTURES] 130217 - Minhyun at the fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[PICTURES] 130217 - NU'EST at the mini fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[PICTURES] 130217 - Aron at the mini fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[PICTURES] 130217 - Baekho at the fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[PICTURES] 130217 - JR at the fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[PICTURES] 130217 - Ren at fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[TWITTER/FB] 130218 - Aron's update
(Aron) '여보세요' 안무를 멋지게 짜주신 광원쌤이랑 함께...근데 우리 쌤 실물이 훠~~~~~ㄹ 잘생겼어요!!!
Our 'Hello' choreographer Kwangwon teacher! He is better looking in real life than he is in the photo :P
[PREVIEWS] 130217 - Mini fanmeeting after Inkigayo
[TWITTER] 130216 - Compilations of @NUESTNEWS & @ChoiGoRen tweets
(민현) 추운데 고생 많았어요 직접 와주시는분들도 방송을 지켜보시는분들도 어디에있든 응원해주시는분들 덕분에 내일도 힘낼수 있을꺼같아요~화팅!
Trans by thenuest : (Minhyun) It's cold, you must have worn out.
I think we can cheer up tomorrow as well; thanks to those who personally come, those who
watch the broadcasting, and those who's cheering for us no matter where they are~ Hwaiting!
우리럽들잠안온다안온다하더니ㅋㄷㅋㄷ 지금쯤코하겟지ㅋㄷㅋㄷ
Trans by thenuest : Our LOVEs keep saying "I can't sleep"ㅋㄷㅋㄷ By now, you must be sleeping, right?ㅋㄷㅋㄷ
Trans by thenuest : See you tomorrow, LOVEs
[DRAWINGS] 130215 - NU'EST's drawings of "Hello" MV
[PICTURES] 130215 - NU'EST on Music Bank
[PICTURES] 130214 - Cyworld Music Special
[TWITTER] 130215 - Compilations of @NUESTNEWS tweets
뉴콘 전 뜨거운 조명아래 피부 건조해지지 말라고 스타일리스트 누나들이 쥐어준 미스트를 쥔채 한컷!
Trans by thenuest : A photo that was taken under the high-heated lighting before NU'con Concert, to prevent skin becoming dry, they clench the mist that stylist noonas gave on their hand!
[ME2DAY] 130215 - Uee's update with NU'EST
'여보세요'! 우리 겸댕이 뉴이스트가 돌아왔어요! 특히 가사가 완전 좋다는거어! 실 전화기로 무슨 얘기 했는지는 비미일! ♥
Translation by thenuest : ‘Hello’! Our cutiepies NU’EST has comeback! Especially, the lyrics are very nice! My conversation on the phone is secreet!
[PREVIEWS] 130215 - NU'EST on their way to Music Bank
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